
LTrace also provides the methodologies as a service, we can work together with the company experts to employ deterministic and stochastic inversion techniques, as well as post-inversion analises.
Simultaneous inversion
- Low frequency modeling
- Bayesian Linearized inversion
Petrophysical inversion
- Statistical Prior distribution based on rock-physics model
- Compute the conditional distribution of Petrophysical properties given the elastic properties and its uncertainties
- Construction of stratigraphic grid with horizons and normal faults for simulations
- Geostatistical simulations of porosity/permeability
Wavelet estimation
- Estimation and calibration of new wavelets
Bayesian inference
- Considering a previously defined facies log
Facies geostatistical simulations
- Reservoir facies characterization
Probabilistic connectivity analysis
- Given a previously defined well position and facies simulations, the reservoir connected to the well is analyzed.